Meine Fragen

Q: Does this product work with Hubitat Elevation?

gefragt von Powderjockey auf 2020-05-19 22:05:06

BG485749112 sorry,I don't know. I've got them working with Google and Homey. I use them to monitor opening and closing doors and that works fine. According to me they work with most Zigbee 3.0 hubs.

2021-02-16 12:27:39 Hilfreich (0)
Antworten (2)

Q: Is there Linux or Mac software that will work with the CNC?

gefragt von Powderjockey auf 2019-06-16 19:44:11

Στέργιος Μέκρας Several. A simple google search will give you a list. There's also a newer version of grblControl(Candle) that works on linux.

2020-08-15 08:30:11 Hilfreich (0)
Antworten (2)

Q: What is the operating temperature for these drives?

gefragt von Powderjockey auf 2019-03-05 13:56:26

Transjuicer Mylaptop gets pretty hot (CPU at 90 degrees) because its old and the fan is almost broken... but the SSD works fine without problems.

2019-12-26 04:22:58 Hilfreich (0)
Antworten (1)