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Q: where are manuals and upgrade software?

gefragt von bograc auf 2020-07-16 11:41:09

Kev78 you also can simply visit the ISDT website if you have any other questions, also you can download all product manuals, that is aslong as they still sell the product, but even then, it may just be archived in the website. Regardless, the Particular ISDT product you purchased has in the past had a Bar Code that you simply scan and then takes you directly to the Downloadable PDF file including the manual. Also where u can update firmware.

2021-11-02 07:04:13 Hilfreich (1)
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Q: how it is size of filter?

gefragt von bograc auf 2021-01-01 07:06:29
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Shallop If anything about the items problem, can contact,

2020-10-12 07:02:21 Hilfreich (0)
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bograc i would like to know too....because i have Minleaf ML-BD2 710W. Therefore question again: dimension between the mounting slots in mm???

2020-09-12 04:44:36 Hilfreich (0)
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