
BG351352543 Yes. The log of what degree your tow and camber is set is best for me. It helps me adjust for gravel for more tire sliding. And kore stability when sliding thru corners. Not having to worry about how sharp of a turn to make. Then there’s hard packed dirt tracks or roads. Where I have to worry about too much grip. How much of the tire is being used while in a turn. It all comes down to it working Nd functioning like an actual vehicular. Of course you can’t ride this one but seeing how it performs all depends on how week you learn the settings and learn how to calibrate for a RC that’s eventually good for everything and you don’t need to fiddle with it anymore. It’s just trial and error as explained in previous comments. All I can say is if you’re still having this problem. Go to your local hobby shop and ask them to guide you or mentor you to take better care of your toys.

BG169382361 30/04/2021
Kommentar (6)