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Top positive Bewertung für %s auf Banggood, Kaufen Sie das beste %s mit dem niedrigsten Preis bei Banggood. Durchsuchen Sie die hilfreichste positive Bewertung für %s, bevor Sie kaufen., RC Spielzeug, Fun Sport, Mode, beliebte Elektronik
BG155481050 14/05/2021
Great tool, but needs 2 quick modifications to be reliable long term. Firstly, on the small board with the OLED screen, the 1k resistor marked R4 needs to be replaced with 470 Ohm, this is to increase MOSFET gate drive, and ensure a faster, harder on state, making the FETs go into saturation quickly and avoid overheating/frying. Also, the M& diode on the positive input leading to the massive 10,000uF cap WILL BLOW as the inrush is easily 10A, and the diode is rated 1A. This can short the diode and cause the cap to be discharged during welding, leading to a loss of MCU power and gate drive, again resulting in non-saturated FETs and causing them to blow. This issue is rectified by putting a 10-50 Ohm resistor in series of the diode, to limit inrush to 1A. These two mods will make this welder last a good deal, and are super important, as with the 200A+ flowing from a good lithium pack, if the FETs are not hard on, the will blow immediately! Have fun!
Kommentar (2)
  • Dagger900 what version of the board do you have? can you upload pics of mods?

    Antwort 07/06/2021
  • mikey553 Yousound like you know electronics. Can you clarify your modifications? There are five 1k resistors on a small board, but the components are not marked on the board. Which one of the resistors needs to be replaced with 470 ohm? Also there is only one component on a small board looking like a diod, it is marked M7. Is it what you had in mind? I do not see M

    Antwort 10/06/2021
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