Meine Fragen

Q: can i use it with a 8200kv 2430 motor? i want to use it with 2s lipo

gefragt von BG245320543 auf 2021-02-07 00:14:48

mikeeg16 Woo hoo!!!!! let 'er rip spanky. that should stir something up.

2022-10-15 01:49:54 Hilfreich (0)
Antworten (4)

Q: will this work with 160A 3s controller?

gefragt von Ice_cubick auf 2021-09-16 19:47:33

CarManBy Unfortunately I cant answer now

2022-03-22 11:02:07 Hilfreich (0)
Antworten (1)

Q: does this system have gyro?

gefragt von Ice_cubick auf 2021-11-10 22:49:27

The seller No,RX41 receiver do not have gyro,you can bind with RX49 (with gyro) receiver

2021-11-11 05:11:34 Hilfreich (0)
Antworten (1)