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Q: What is the manufacture of this device

gefragt von aaa.fff454 auf 2018-03-12 04:38:12

Johanmart They go under the brand Raider and are China made. The print is the same as the Garrett Ace 250 but the materials used are less. Read the reviews on this one too. The price is too high for a China copy by the way, for less the real Garrett Ace can be bought on Amazon. If they bring this one down to let's say $140 at max then it becomes a fair deal, so quality vs price.

2018-03-20 02:41:10 Hilfreich (1)
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Q: It is possible to use the device under water

gefragt von F_Brinner auf 2018-02-14 08:38:57

Johanmart You have metal detectors with waterproof coils and metal detectors who can be completely submerged. This is one has no waterproof coil and should be strictly used on land only.

2018-03-20 02:37:06 Hilfreich (3)
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Q: كم متر تحت الأرض

gefragt von فاقد الحسني auf 2018-01-25 06:10:22

Johanmart From what i saw this one can scan up to 6 inch deep, so 15 cm deep.

2018-03-20 02:34:39 Hilfreich (0)
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Johanmart As follow up for others to read, i received a partial refund, enough to buy a power supply which can feed the 3 sets of lights i bought and i thank you for that. Still, i note that the information like the title is still not changed to 12 volts as that is what this set it. All people who order this should be aware of the fact that you still need a 12-volt adapter to operate it and know how to connect it. The red wire is the plus cable, do not swap them else you will blow up all the lights.

Johanmart 22/11/2017
Kommentar (4)

Johanmart le**{|}indeed, a waste of time

BG174124073 25/11/2017
Kommentar (2)

Johanmart berty{|}Well, not all discounts are a scam, but some look like a sale while they are not.

berty 25/11/2017
Kommentar (2)

Johanmart The lights are 12 volt DC, but there are lights that have a 220-volt input straight from the net, just not this one.

2017-11-22 06:22:02 Hilfreich (1)
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