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Q: funciona também no frsky sbus?

gefragt von Nicolas auf 2024-01-17 07:28:35

BG141394844 I don't know. Read the instructions and specifications in the dedicated github page

2024-02-13 03:46:47 Hilfreich (0)
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Q: funciona no frsky spi?

gefragt von Nicolas auf 2023-12-07 05:40:07

prikrylm As SPI use D8 or Futaba (SFHSS probably) protocol, it can be bind with iRangeX IRX4 Lite transmitter module. So yes, you can use IRX4 for FrSky SPI.

2023-12-19 12:39:36 Hilfreich (0)
Antworten (1)