
Q: Is it compatibile with SP RACING F3?

gefragt von marcos auf 2019-06-07 04:37:55

mric3412 It'sa classic GPS module with UART : tested with several F405 FCs (arduplane). I didn't test it with SP RACING F3 but I don't see any reason why it will not work if you have spare UART for a GPS and the software to deal with it.

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Q: can this flight controller be used for a flying wing?

gefragt von louisvr45 auf 2019-08-26 19:46:33

mric3412 Onlywith INAV (or betaflight, cleanflight etc.) but not for arduplane since it's a f411 microcontroller. You have 4 PWM out, so it's OK for an INAV flying wing with 2 elevons and one motors ( 1 spare PWM out for a second motor or yaw control for example)

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