
STVnRWC Honestly this is just a guess on my part because that is not the system I bought them for . . . Because the motors (Boyueda) and the ESC's (Laotie) are from different manufacturers I suspect that when going about trying to bind the Laotie ESC's to Boyueda motors . . . it is just going to be problematic trying to get them to communicate when they more then likely speak different languages. But like I said I could be wrong (it happened to me once many years ago . . .being wrong that is!) So unless you want to have the embarrassing burden of one time *Being Wrong . . .like I was . . .Once! So your best bet would be to pose this question about compatibility between the Laotie esc19 ESC and Boyueda Motors to Laotie directly. Really this will give you the quickest and most reliable answer in regards to you predicament. I apologize that I personally did not have the answer for you in this instance but I hope that if you require any help or assistance in the near future I would be more then willing to help you. Thanks STVnRWC Bay Area California, mail:

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STVnRWC Ihave yet to receive the scooter. I ordered it on 9-8-21 and today is 10-10-21 so I am hoping to receive the scooter any day now. I live in California and I have seen posts of other people in California that received the scooter in under 30 days!!!. . . .I am just over 30 days now : ( ....but hoping for it to arrive any day!!! : )

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STVnRWC sorry I answered for the wrong product before. As far as the Tinygo Geprc I have not tried to connect it to the simulator and I would say the range is about a mile or just under a mile is as far as I have flown the drone with no problems. I hope this answers at least part of your question. : )

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