
Q: How many metres range could I get with this antenna?

gefragt von BG131813635 auf 2021-01-03 09:45:52

Krzysztof I used a similar Reallac antenna on the drone as a transmitting VTX antenna. I obtained a range of over 2km in open space.

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Q: does this have obstacle avoidance feature?

gefragt von Archimedes Viray auf 2019-01-25 06:47:55

Krzysztof There are no sensors for this.

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Q: What’s the maximum battery size that this can fit?

gefragt von Ross776 auf 2021-09-30 02:40:01

Krzysztof I removed the spare wheel and measured it with a caliper. I got 88 x 40 x 21 mm (length x width x height). This is max. I hope it will be useful. Regards, brother.

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Q: it is Suitable for swift Dzire 2010 model ?

gefragt von BG241638465 auf 2020-06-09 11:26:43

Krzysztof You need to check if you have room for DIN2.

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Krzysztof Você deve ter um rádio FM no carro. Você define a mesma frequência de rádio em ambos os dispositivos. Você conecta seu telefone via Bluetooth com o transmissor, e isso envia o som para o rádio, então você pode ouvi-lo nos alto-falantes do carro.

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