
Q: hi, do they fit a T-Track?

gefragt von albamark auf 2022-06-24 05:00:20

charan The feet width is small, and is not wide enough to stay in a T-track. The T-track is much wider.

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Q: Do these fit DeWalt tracks?

gefragt von Ciaran auf 2022-06-01 05:04:00

charan No. The DeWalt tracks have an opening of 20 mm. The foot of these clamps has a width of 11 mm.

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Q: Anyone got a clue? No, not me either

gefragt von Snafu auf 2022-01-17 03:22:15

charan It is called a string shooter. Search for it on YT. This is a novelty toy, and maybe a science thingy.

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