Soshine 8x 18650 Batterie Transparente Hartplastik-Aufbewahrungsbox

DennyCraneEsq Vor 2787 Tagen geschrieben Very nice box that, as opposed to most of the other products of this kind, even fits large protected 18650s like the NCR18650B!


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    Ähnliche Bewertungen

    • Von data 02/06/2018 Its a essential item to store your 18650, i have lots of and this case is surprising high quality, very rigid and lightweight, very nice lock and very well polish, witha convenient hook, must have item!
    • Von Vladislav_K 06/11/2019 Очень удобные контейнеры. К сожалению, один из трех был поврежден при доставке, и снова причина - ненадежная упаковка: простой тонкий пластиковый конверт... Very convenient containers. Unfortunately, one of the three ones was damaged during delivery, and again the reason is unreliable packaging - a simple thin plastic envelope...
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