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Top positive Bewertung für %s auf Banggood, Kaufen Sie das beste %s mit dem niedrigsten Preis bei Banggood. Durchsuchen Sie die hilfreichste positive Bewertung für %s, bevor Sie kaufen., RC Spielzeug, Fun Sport, Mode, beliebte Elektronik
PsychopathRC 16/11/2020
There doesn't seem to be much in the way of reviews for this little 2-in-1. So I'll take the time to write something up. The computer arrived in original packaging but with not much to protect said packaging. It was basically put into a bag. As a result, the box arrived pretty beat up, with dents in a few areas. Also, there were two tabs taped to the opening which had been cut. I assume the computer was inspected at some point. Fortunately despite the dents, the computer doesn't appear to have been damaged in transit. It's held inside it's box by two large foam pieces. They did their job well. In terms of performance the computer runs smoothly, as long as you aren't running too much at once. It only has 4GB RAM, a 2-Core-2-Thread Processor and a 64GB ROM, of which 36GB is used by the OS. Battery life isn't amazing overall. I get less than two hours of charge from a full battery at 100% brightness. At 50% brightness, I can push that time to around three hours. The battery is definitely a weak spot for this computer. On my computer in particular, the touch-pad appears to have a small bump on it. It's hard to show on camera but at the right angle, it can be seen. It doesn't affect performance and so it's not a big deal but I don't think there is supposed to be a bump there. Is this computer worth buying? I would say it depends. If like me, you have a fixed budget and you want a 2-In-1, it's worth it. You wont find much else for this price. If you can stretch your budget then you can find other more expensive tablets/2-in-1's that are better value for money. I'm happy with my little Alldocube and have no regrets. It will serve me well.
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