KAKA 35L Große Kapazität Herren Reisetasche Outdoor Bergsteigen Rucksack

moreira Vor 2194 Tagen geschrieben


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    • Von spider_one 13/07/2015 the black bag that I wanted was out, so I got the camo design. At first I was hesitant, BUT the pictures and seeing it in person, it is a very cool design and works well with the black background of the bag. I like it and it was worth what I payed for it. I have not gotten a bad product from this company yet. Please keep up the good work.
    • Von House of Quad 17/11/2016 As with most items on Banggood, there's an element of risk (or a gamble) when making purchases. However, as someone who is pretty fussy about stuff, I can say with absolute confidence that this bag is decent. it has a good weighty feel to it. The zips run smoothly and are nice and thick. The stitching all seems good quality. I am yet to load it to capacity though, so can't really comment on that. There are a multitude of pockets and compartments. Plenty for almost everyone's various needs. Overall
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