Arcade-Encoder-PC zu 2-Pin-Joystick + Happ-Button 4,8-mm-Drähte Zero Delay USB

Gambito818 Vor 1903 Tagen geschrieben


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    • Von PatrickMG 22/03/2018 Produto muito bom! Chegou tudo certo com todos os itens mencionados e funcionando perfeitamente, para quem gosta de jogos antigos e jogos de luta recomendo comprar o kit para fazer um belo arcade. Eu recomendo sem duvidas produto 5 estrelas +++++ Very good product! It arrived all right with all the items mentioned and working perfectly, for those who like old games and fighting games I recommend buying the kit to make a beautiful arcade. I recommend without a doubt 5 star product
    • Von alean200 01/12/2020 It came faster than things that I ordered over month ago and still waiting. Cant wait to try it see how it works
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