2 Paare Dalprop Cyclone T5046C 5046 5x4.6 5 Zoll CW CCW Propeller für RC Drone FPV Racing

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    • Von RCdroidFPV 11/01/2018 These Dalprops are really nice. Very durable and strong. They dont break that easy like others. Also great and direct response when you fly them. If you need more power (speed and faster breaking) then you should go for the other version >>> https://bit.ly/DalFast2
    • Von Brajopie 12/05/2017 I like these props because of their fast response. For fast speeds I would recommened the T5040, but for fast manouvres, these cyclones are perfect. Although you should watch the red ones not being translucent. They are a solid red color, not like the picture in the description. Look at the pictures below, the solid red ones are from Banggood, the lighter ones are from another store
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