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Top positive Bewertung für %s auf Banggood, Kaufen Sie das beste %s mit dem niedrigsten Preis bei Banggood. Durchsuchen Sie die hilfreichste positive Bewertung für %s, bevor Sie kaufen., RC Spielzeug, Fun Sport, Mode, beliebte Elektronik
JoGeo 09/01/2021
Device's build material feels silky and durable. The knob works smoothly and has 3 positions (+, lock, -). Box includes a sample polymer bag with imprinted instructions and indexing that will help you operate the device. On the back side of the device there's a magnetic material for sticking it to your refrigerator door. It's locking mechanism is solid and reliable. I recommend using high quality alkalines as those shown in my video for a great performance. Cutter and sealer functions work perfectly well on every bag I tested.
Kommentar (6)
  • jlhoyos Whereis the video?

    Antwort 10/01/2021
  • JoGeo @jlhoyosyou can see it on video reviews section here. My channel's name is JoGeo Techlab

    Antwort 16/01/2021
  • BG378816462 where is video reviews section?

    Antwort 25/01/2021
  • BG415216392 thank

    Antwort 02/02/2021
  • BG159231411 το περνάς από την μια μεριά στην άλλη;

    Antwort 06/02/2021
  • JoGeo @BG378816462 Ναι έτσι λειτουργεί. Κάνει καλή δουλειά κ οι μπαταρίες διαρκούν πάρα πολύ καιρό.

    Antwort 08/07/2021
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