Meine Fragen

Q: will these fit the Anet a2 thanks

gefragt von Mattchew123 auf 2018-05-09 18:54:10

GhJ99 Dovrebbero andare bene per quella stampante, in caso prova a vedere se le dimensioni che vendono sono quelle dei cuscinetti della tua stampante

2022-01-02 04:06:55 Hilfreich (0)
Antworten (2)

Q: does it come with a balance cable. pics show it

gefragt von Mattchew123 auf 2019-04-21 12:15:31

julien731 Idid receive the board WITH a balance cable indeed.

2021-06-03 05:09:51 Hilfreich (0)
Antworten (3)

Q: your add shows 8.99 then it switches to 11.99

gefragt von Mattchew123 auf 2018-12-26 12:06:34

gmeunier Pricesvary all the time. Put it in your wishlist ans wait for sales!

2021-01-11 00:29:34 Hilfreich (0)
Antworten (1)

Q: would this work with my ender 3

gefragt von Mattchew123 auf 2020-03-25 10:25:59

Van Gogh Ender 3 is 24V . Too high for this motor

2020-03-26 03:25:12 Hilfreich (0)
Antworten (1)

tedhancock68 They are saying about 350 watts, so 15 amps peak. All that you have listed is overkill at 6s.

2020-01-21 11:49:04 Hilfreich (0)
Antworten (2)