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BG013015146 29/12/2021
Flies like a brick! It was fun to build but it feels underpowered. I'm a beginner so take this with a grain of salt. I got the version with servos and receiver. Components seem to work fine: servos are good, the receiver is excellent (got the dsmx 2), the brushed motor seems OK, the illustrations on the foam board look cool. Put together with 400mah battery the build weights 43 grams (35 grams w/o battery). But it doesn't fly! After the initial hand throw with full throttle against the wind, the plane flies for about 10 meters, losing momentum along the way, and then stalls. The kit included two propellers but one is CW and the other is CCW, so after breaking the CW prop (which matched the direction of the motor), I had to invert the polarity of the motor to run it CCW and then I broke the CCW prop too. I tried using a gws 6030 prop with a prop saver but that prop eventually broke too after many failed hand throws. By using the 6030 prop the motor ran super hot and melted the hot glue that was holding the motor in place, so I gave up with bigger props than the stock 65mm props. I did have fun building the hurricane but overall it's been a disappointment. Compared to a Volantex Trojan that I have, they are about the same size, the Trojan comes with a gearbox, the Trojan weights 45 grams w/o battery, I fly it with a 400mah battery (8grams) and the thrust the Trojan produces makes it very responsive, I've never had it stall like the hurricane does. I wish the hurricane produced a comparable amount of thrust but you can tell by holding the hurricane and flying it that the hurricane delivers nowhere near the thrust the Trojan does. :(
Kommentar (2)

Q: does this fit XLF F18?

gefragt von BG013015146 auf 2022-03-20 09:19:58

BG140114391 mne tiež prišiel zlý diferenciál.Vela zubov

2022-04-12 01:03:39 Hilfreich (0)
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BG013015146 13/01/2022
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