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FrazleBazzle I have had more than 2 Up in the air at the same time

2021-10-21 06:54:21 Hilfreich (0)
Antworten (5)

Q: does this run on petrol or fluffy clouds?

gefragt von markemerson10 auf 2021-01-21 05:53:31

liangyan6 It is video transmitter and receiver.

2021-02-04 03:59:45 Hilfreich (0)
Antworten (1)

markemerson10 when you plug it into betaflight the target will be displayed in the upper left of the screen.

2021-01-23 03:03:02 Hilfreich (0)
Antworten (1)

Q: does this come with a flight controller?

gefragt von markemerson10 auf 2021-01-13 07:00:06

Haggisuk It even says Betaflight F4 flight controller in the title.

2021-01-14 04:11:49 Hilfreich (0)
Antworten (2)

Q: what is the mounting distance between the motor screw holes?

gefragt von markemerson10 auf 2020-12-27 06:13:06

Quickred 9 mm all

2021-01-02 03:12:30 Hilfreich (0)
Antworten (1)

Q: Does the VTX melt the plastic?

gefragt von davidgilson auf 2020-09-15 03:23:50

markemerson10 Something like the TBS PRO32 nano would definitely melt this, infact i would go further and say any VTX would melt this and i would advise against buying it.

2020-09-27 12:30:21 Hilfreich (0)
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markemerson10 Yes. you can buy the frsky wireless dongle and it is compatible.

2020-06-08 06:19:35 Hilfreich (0)
Antworten (4)

Q: will this work with the previous model of mobula7?

gefragt von Tan Hong Yu Hong Yu auf 2019-03-31 06:46:00

markemerson10 yes

2020-05-21 03:43:15 Hilfreich (0)
Antworten (1)

markemerson10 just solder bridge sbus to the center pad or the other side solder bridge for the other protocols, then the correct connection is available in the plug.

2020-05-17 02:35:22 Hilfreich (0)
Antworten (3)