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Q: can somebody please till me IF this phone works in sweden?

gefragt von BG103339503 auf 2021-11-04 04:24:19

Tamashiro Provavelmente pois este aparelho é de uso Global.

2022-01-29 07:12:00 Hilfreich (0)
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Engr_Theophiluss check the network bandwidth and compare it with your country's network to know if your own is listed on the list

2022-01-02 10:59:39 Hilfreich (0)
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Q: all these 6 watches have same watch faces

gefragt von BG105316392 auf 2021-11-08 11:05:40

dannieboi you can change face.there is loads of them.and yes you probably got THE same ones to choose from,but there are loads to choose from

2021-11-30 02:59:50 Hilfreich (1)
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