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  • 04/11/2020

    Diese Kapazität Meter ist von guter Qualität, die Qualität der Karte ist von der besten, wie auch seine Komponenten, funktioniert wie erwartet. Nur ein Filter fehlt für das Display, es leuchtet bis zum Maximum und stört die Ansicht ein wenig, ebenso wie die LED, die die 3 Daten (Ah, A und V) anzeigt, die sich rechts vom Display befinden.

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  • 15/12/2019

    I purchased the XB2L3 to check Li-ion cell capacity and discharge Li-ion cells to a set voltage for storage. Using one of the 7 ohm 5 watt rated resistors gives a discharge rate of just over .5 amps. Running in default mode aka down to 3 volts the capacity reads about 140 mAh less than my Xtar VP4 Plus reports. This is using the same 3400 mAh fully charged cell each time. The Xtar reports 3340 mAh and the ZB2L3 reports 3197 mAh. Which is correct? Close enough for me. The discharge to a set voltage for storage works well just set the voltage and hit OK. The discharge stops when the set voltage is reached. If the battery is removed immediately when the discharge completes the voltage will rise slightly after a period of rest so keep this in mind, less than .1 volts in my testing. If you leave the battery on the ZB2L3 longer it will start discharging again when the voltage rises. This is a great low cost way to test and ready Li-ion batteries for storage and you can't beat the price. Just add a Battery test rack like in the link below or similar, some wire, a USB power source and a Micro USB cable and you are all set. https://www.banggood.com/Four-Wire-Battery-Test-Rack-Battery-Clamp-10A-With-Terminal-26650-18650-AA-AAA-p-1310582.html?rmmds=myorder&cur_warehouse=CN

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