MPPT 5A Solarmodulregler Batterieladungsregler 9V 12V 24V Automatischer Schalter
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Gutes Produkt, kann aber keinen Ladestrom von 5A liefern, es sei denn, es gibt einen richtigen Kühlkörper auf den beiden Dioden und den beiden Mosfets. Dies kann auch daran liegen, dass RCS größer als 0.04Ω ist. In jedem Fall ist der vorhandene Kühlkörper nicht richtig unter die Komponenten geklebt, da er nur teilweise einige der beheizten Teile berührt. Schlimmer noch, der Metallkühlkörper berührt die Stifte einiger anderer Komponenten und es besteht die Gefahr von Shorts und Beschädigungen. Außerdem ist in meinem Gerät die Dual-LED umgekehrt verlötet, und als Ergebnis, wenn es eine Batterie auflädt, ist die blaue LED an, und wenn die Batterie voll wird, kommt die rote LED auf. Nichtsdestotrotz ist es ein gutes MPpt-Ladegerät. Ich lege das Ladeprofil und sein Diagramm, entnommen aus dem CN3722 Datenblatt, an.
This device works quite well at lower currents (< 3A). MPPT via panel voltage tracking seems to work quite well. I have mine outputting an almost consistant 10 Watts(2.8A @ 3.6v) into a 1s20p Lithium battery(nom. 3.6v, 45Ah) from a 12.5 Watt panel (21Voc, 17Vmp), so approx. 80% efficiency, even in 42 degree celcius ambient heat with panel temperature above 60 deg C !! (Australian summer). In 'cooler' summer weather (mid 20's) I get maybe an extra Watt out at mid day (~11W -ish). Although this is advertised as working up to 5A, even after extensive testing I was not able to get much above 4A with a 25Watt(measured) panel and very good heatsinking: I only get 15 Watts out (4.2A@3.6v) so efficiency at higher currents suffers badly (25W in, 15W out = ~60% efficiency) This item, as shipped, will NOT work with 1S lithium because the regulation voltage can only be adjusted down to ~6.5v, however, it is relatively easy to modify it for 1S operation. To do this, simply replace the 22k resistor (R7, marked 223, 0603 size) with something around 75k to 100k. I used an 82k resistor which alows me to adjust regulation from ~3.0v to ~9v. Note that the supplied heatsink itself is okay, but it is useless as supplied because it is mounted with a thick dob of silicone adhesive. This is because A) the current sense shunt resistor is thru-hole and protrudes, and B) the PCB tracks under it have exposed solder pads. Poor design/lack of forethought by whoever did the PCB layout!. Therefore, mounting the heatsink directly to the PCB would cause a short circuit. I have modified mine with heatsinks on the top side packages(Mosfets and Diodes), and also a heatsink with a drilled hole (to clear the shunt solder pad) un the underside using double-sided tape as insulation to avoid shorts with the board tracks. Not exactly ideal, but much better than as-supplied.