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Top positive Bewertung für %s auf Banggood, Kaufen Sie das beste %s mit dem niedrigsten Preis bei Banggood. Durchsuchen Sie die hilfreichste positive Bewertung für %s, bevor Sie kaufen., RC Spielzeug, Fun Sport, Mode, beliebte Elektronik
bigatchoum 27/06/2020
FPV SETUP LISTED BELOW. Excellent drone for beginners like children (or grown ups ;) ). Altitude hold helps a lot: you can lift off then leave the controller and the drone will stay at the same spot in the air. The filth time as as announced and the controller (transmitter) is nice, the sticks feel solid. Impressive light little drone. FPV: I modded it for FPV following this youtube tutorial: , using these items for a cheap as possible first gear (search the banggood website with product code listed): Camera: ID: 1413572, Receiver: ID: 1242422, google cardboard: ID: 1061136. Beware that you will have to solder a JST1.25 mm plug for the integration of the camera to the drone board (the plug of the camera is JST1.25mm but female, you get an extension cable with the camera starting with a JST1.2mm male (this one: product ID: 1125206), so you just switch female to male plug, no plug to buy separately). For an easier camera integration buy this camera: ID: 1369744 which has natively a JST 1.25 mm plug, I didn't because this one was out of stock when I wanted to order. With the camera on top you should switch to speed mode 2 or 3 on the transmitter to get enough lift power. HAVE FUN !!!
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