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Top positive Bewertung für %s auf Banggood, Kaufen Sie das beste %s mit dem niedrigsten Preis bei Banggood. Durchsuchen Sie die hilfreichste positive Bewertung für %s, bevor Sie kaufen., RC Spielzeug, Fun Sport, Mode, beliebte Elektronik
alfelipe 31/01/2019
This kit comes without any assembly instructions. It also has no instructions for use. No doubt I spent a fun time trying to mount it, until I got to the capacitors: the values of the resistors are printed on the board, but not that of the capacitors. I am absolutely convinced that it is an excellent and precise product, I can confirm it as soon as someone tells me in which position each capacitor goes and what each button is for. I have put the highest score because if I do not Banggood does not publish my review.
Kommentar (1)
  • Franklydude C122pF
    C2 22pF
    C4 470uF
    C5 Still trying to work out the rest... if anyone has that figure out, please post..

    Antwort 16/04/2019
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