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Top positive Bewertung für %s auf Banggood, Kaufen Sie das beste %s mit dem niedrigsten Preis bei Banggood. Durchsuchen Sie die hilfreichste positive Bewertung für %s, bevor Sie kaufen., RC Spielzeug, Fun Sport, Mode, beliebte Elektronik
Merx678 13/11/2023
A flashlight for 18650 batteries, not included in the set. It operates on a single battery, and I recommend adding Sony VTC5 or Samsung IR20 – investing in better batteries and a superior charger is advised, as cheaper, no-name batteries often have reduced capacity and voltage. The flashlight, using a fully charged battery, lasts over two weeks for evening dog walks, around 30 minutes each day on the second brightness level. I also recommend purchasing a quality branded charger, as proper care is essential to prevent accidents like battery explosions during charging or use—especially with noname or Chinese knockoff batteries. On the maximum brightness setting, the flashlight illuminates the entire street up to 600m, but it tends to heat up, with safeguards reducing brightness as the battery temperature rises. Personally, I recommend the flashlight; it's crafted from high-quality metal, evident in its weight and the power delivered by a single LED. Unfortunately, the beam intensity isn't adjustable, but it doesn't significantly affect its overall performance. I endorse the product, and considering the price, I'd rate it 9.5/10.
Kommentar (2)
  • gylgamesh Whatdoes " Plus 21700 Version " mean for this Flashlight? Can it work with 21700 batteries as well?

    Antwort 09/02/2024
  • Merx678 idk, i have 18650 version

    Antwort 13/04/2024
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