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Top positive Bewertung für %s auf Banggood, Kaufen Sie das beste %s mit dem niedrigsten Preis bei Banggood. Durchsuchen Sie die hilfreichste positive Bewertung für %s, bevor Sie kaufen., RC Spielzeug, Fun Sport, Mode, beliebte Elektronik
Flashaholics 23/01/2020
Very powerful thrower for the size, I had to calibrate the temp sensor on first use and increase the thermal limit as it was stepping down stupidly quick. I measured approx 5000 lumens with 21700 cell and 1350m range. Muggle mode was buggy as per usual. Here is my in depth YouTube Review:
Kommentar (5)
  • arttrudelle thanks for the video!

    Antwort 01/09/2020
  • arttrudelle does the thermal step down ruin the light? or is it still worth it? I'm comparing it to say the lumintop x9l, which steps down fast with the sbt90. I have the ft03 xhp50 (because of your video) and love it. you think this ft03s is much better?

    Antwort 01/09/2020
  • BG342294318 I’d stick to the 50.2 the 90 isn’t a huge noticeable difference I found

    Antwort 04/11/2020
  • irevilom Hi, which battery do you recommend? Thank you

    Antwort 27/03/2022
  • BG173922181 Rispondi a Rispondi a Rispondi a Rispondi a o

    Antwort 19/09/2022
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