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Top positive Bewertung für %s auf Banggood, Kaufen Sie das beste %s mit dem niedrigsten Preis bei Banggood. Durchsuchen Sie die hilfreichste positive Bewertung für %s, bevor Sie kaufen., RC Spielzeug, Fun Sport, Mode, beliebte Elektronik
VPCTech 14/07/2017
very good looking fake headlock wheels with nice grippy tires. Can't beat the price. they are a bit smelly but just put them outside for a day if it bothers you. These look great on my Feiyue 03. I converted to brushless and I think it's too fast with the addition of the larger tires. I need to gear down about 4 teeth on the pinion. Here are a couple pics of original tires next to these. Cheers!
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