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Top positive Bewertung für %s auf Banggood, Kaufen Sie das beste %s mit dem niedrigsten Preis bei Banggood. Durchsuchen Sie die hilfreichste positive Bewertung für %s, bevor Sie kaufen., RC Spielzeug, Fun Sport, Mode, beliebte Elektronik
Khilmi 28/09/2017
all 4 motor were CW thread and not 2CW 2CCW. when you crash into branches or tree you dont want to spin your props when you got stuck. 2 of the motor will unscrew themself leaving your day screw up
Kommentar (4)
  • Martin Use blue liquid thread lock on the motor thread and nut. That fixed the problem for me.

    Antwort 19/10/2017
  • I guess you didn't realize these new ones where all cw threads. Most people prefer that now and you will see most newer higher end motors are all cw thread. You cant really dock stars because you didn't realize that.

    Antwort 30/10/2017
  • Youel1 the ccw was for before the use of locknuts I believe and the prop grip on motor many also find an advantage to the one way. I hear you when you start with one thing its hard to change but now you can find nuts for motors at any hardware store

    Antwort 19/11/2017
  • aerocastellon esoes mentira no se desenroscan los tengo mucho tiempo y muchos choques contra arboles y el suelo y jamas se desenrosco la tuerca en el club los tenemos mas de 20 personas asi que apreta bien la turerca sin pasarse y funcionaran perfectos

    Antwort 22/03/2021
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