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Top positive Bewertung für %s auf Banggood, Kaufen Sie das beste %s mit dem niedrigsten Preis bei Banggood. Durchsuchen Sie die hilfreichste positive Bewertung für %s, bevor Sie kaufen., RC Spielzeug, Fun Sport, Mode, beliebte Elektronik
Fannin 09/06/2017
They are crystal clear and shinny unlike the v1 with matte finish. They are about 2g heavier than the v1. They also have the same issue as the v1 where one prop direction is heavier than the other direction prop. This seems to be an issue with many of these cheaper props. Makers like DAL etc weight the same for both directions. i like them and didnt notice flight problems even with the non matching weights. I really like the new crystal finish.
Kommentar (1)
  • JohnnieRico what are you talking about 2g heavier? They weigh within 0.2g for both directions compared to v1

    Antwort 30/06/2017
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